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Panhellenic Executive Board

The University of Tennessee at Martin Panhellenic is a diverse group of women dedicated to providing an unforgettable college experience. Our leadership is comprised of representatives of the 4 national sororities on our campus, each with its own unique values and traditions.

Our officers are excited and dedicated to representing the campus and our individual organizations through leadership, service, and friendship. We strive to provide an unforgettable collegiate experience for all of our members.


My name is Gracie.

I am the Panhellenic President and I am a Junior Nursing major. My top 3 values are Integrity, Education, and Service.

My favorite thing about being a part of CPC is the opportunity to represent myself and fellow sorority members and the chance to make a positive impact in the fraternity and sorority community.



My name is Abigail.

I am the VP of Administration  and I am a Sophomore Ag Business Communications major. My top 3 values are Loyalty, Service, and Relationships.

My favorite things about being a part of CPC are the endless connections that are made and the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself.


My name is Kori Beth

I am the VP of Recruitment and I am a Senior Human Performance major. My top values are Passion, Loyalty, and Love.

My favorite thing about being in CPC is the opportunity to grow as a leader and as a woman as well!



My name is Morgan.

I am the VP of Member Development  and I am a Junior Exercise Science and Wellness major. My top 3 values are Faith, Family, and Service.

My favorite part of CPC is the endless opportunities for friendships and the ability to grow as a person with so many people in my corner cheering me on.


My name is Hallie.

I am the VP of Involvement & Outreach and I am a Sophomore Marketing major. My top 3 values are Family, Passion, and Health.

My favorite thing about being in CPC is getting to make more connections and learning skills that will better me as a person and a sister .



My name is Olivia.

I am the VP of Judicial and I am a Junior Nursing major. My values are Faith, Integrity, and Compassion.

My favorite thing about being involved with CPC is having strong women around me to push me out of my comfort zones and encourage me to grow as a leader and as a person.


My name is Jennifer.

I am the VP of Philanthropy and I am a Senior Education PreK-3 major. My top 3 values are Service, Faith, and Authenticity.

My favorite thing about being in a sorority is is the opportunity to grow as leaders in the fraternity and sorority community as well as our communities outside fraternity and sorority life. 



My name is Journey.

I am the VP of Public Relations and I am a Sophmore Agribusiness major.  My top 3 values are Faith, Family, and Service.

My favorite thing about being a part of CPC is the friendships we've created!

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